Principal Profile

1.         General Profile

The Principal is an experienced, bilingual, enthusiastic and caring individual who inspires respect and communicates effectively, with a good sense of humor. The Principal is an active participant in all facets of school life; students and staff know that their Principal is committed to their success. The Principal actively embraces diversity and strives to ensure an inclusive and respectful sense of community at Katimavik ES.

2.         Leadership Skills

The Principal demonstrates the ability to generate a collective education vision, manage the day-to-day operational needs of the school and implement strategic plans. The Principal demonstrates excellent instructional practices and experience in motivating and mentoring staff and students, and clearly articulates the goals so that these are easily understood by all. The Principal maintains a high degree of visibility within the school, fostering a positive working and learning environment. She/he builds a cohesive and effective educational team and integrates School Council and parents/guardians into the life of the school. The Principal promotes the best interests of the school to students, staff, the community and the OCDSB.

3.         Advocate for Learners

The Principal demonstrates commitment to early and ongoing identification of student needs and promotes the ideal that all students are treated fairly, equitably and with dignity. The Principal has experience with supporting differentiation in curriculum instruction and evaluation to meet the needs of individual learners, including provision of Individualized Education Plans, as appropriate. The Principal demonstrates knowledge of and experience in the delivery of the full range of programs, services and technologies available to learners.

4.         Administrative - Planning, Organization and Management Skills

The Principal demonstrates an ability to manage school resources efficiently and effectively, allocating funds that support continued school enrichment, teachers’ skill development and student educational achievement. The Principal works with students, staff, School Council and the community to identify and address needs at Katimavik ES, as well as student and School Council-led initiatives reaching under-served schools in the OCDSB.

5.         Staff Supervision / Relationship with Staff

The Principal demonstrates commitment to working with staff and maintaining a work    environment that promotes a sense of team, professional development, individual growth and school improvement. The Principal recognizes the importance of supervision of staff as a primary activity and effectively shares knowledge in regards to effective teaching methods and learning. Opportunities for staff to share in decision-making processes and professional development activities are created and maintained. The Principal recognizes the importance of creating a cohesive team of educators and recruits accordingly. The Principal strives to create a good partnership between the staff and school council and leads by example.

6          Program Supervision

The Principal has experience in the delivery, review and improvement of all four programs offered at Katimavik ES and strives to balance, and foster stability, for both Regular and Immersion programs. The Principal will ensure student outcomes through the optimal use of curriculum and available technologies, in line with Ministry and Board Policies.

7.         Communication

The Principal is an effective communicator and is approachable to all members of the community. The Principal listens actively to staff, students and parent/guardian input and partners with all to ensure students’ success. The Principal manages challenging situations with discretion and respect, maximizing the dignity of all parties.

8.         Safe, Caring and Inclusive School

The Principal prioritizes a strong commitment to creating and maintaining a safe and inclusive environment for all students, staff and members of the school community. The Principal leads a culture of respect that encourages conflict resolution, including a policy on discipline that is consistent, fair and clearly articulated to students, staff and the community.

9.         Community Relations

The Principal has a strong track record working cooperatively with the community and recognizes that this relationship should be mutually reinforcing. The Principal maintains an open door policy for parents/guardians and works openly and collaboratively with School Council to foster an inviting environment for parents/guardians, volunteers and other members of the community.



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