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EF78A and EF78B Greenhouse Project - Check it out!


Mme. Hart and the students from EF78A and EF78B have started a new greenhouse project!

Thanks to the generosity of the OCDSB, KES School Council as well as many families from the community, they are all set to start growing!

Starting Monday, March 17, 2025 students will be divided into 22 groups. Each group will be assigned plants, flowers, herbs and/or vegetables. Each group will also be responsible to keep intel on PH level, vitamins, moisture, hydroponic lights, and tags to inform buyers of the seedlings. This will be done entirely in French!

The goal is for students to grow a couple of thousand seedlings to then sell early May during Education Week. The money raised will be donated to a non-profit organization helping Northern Communities in Canada access clean and drinkable water.

This is a brand new project for all of us involved. We are ready to tackle obstacles and celebrate achievements.

You can check it out and follow along on Instagram HERE.

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