Our School

Katimavik ES

We acknowledge that our learning is taking place on unceded and unsurrendered Algonquin Territory. We thank the Algonquin Nation for hosting us and recognize their enduring presence on this land.

Our School

Our school is located on the unceded and unsurrendered territory of the Algonquin people. Students are at the heart of all that we do in our school.

Their ideal school would have strong teaching and curriculum, with kind, understanding, inclusive people and plenty of extra-curricular activities.

Our school staff is committed to:

  • high standards for student learning;
  • an inclusive, welcoming learning environment for all of our students, staff and parents;
  • an emphasis on the use of oral language in the classrooms and in as many situations as possible;
  • a focus on critical thinking and creative thinking;
  • students helping others through service learning and charitable donation opportunities;
  • parents as partners in the education of their children;
  • effective partnerships with parent volunteers and community agencies;
  • clear, regular and open communication with the home. 

We currently have 330 students in grades 4 -8. All staff, students and parents show a great sense of community and mutual respect as we all share the space in the school.

The school is located in Kanata. Our school serves a culturally diverse population with many of our students speaking one of about 40 different languages, other than English and French. We also welcome international students from time to time in our school.

Our Students

We are especially proud of the student leadership which continues to emerge and develop particularly during the ever changing landscape in a pandemic. Students still strive to support one another and the community by holding fundraisers for the Food Bank and Chrysalis House. 

Our school serves a culturally diverse population and many of our families speak languages other than English at  home.

Our Staff

The teaching staff at Katimavik E.S. is a combination of experienced educators and educators who have recently joined the profession. At present there are about 30 staff members in the school, including a full- time Learning Support Teacher, a full-time Learning Resource Teacher, a half-time ESL Teacher, a half-time Library Technician, one full-time Office Administrator, one half- time Office Assistant, a Chief Custodian, an Evening Custodian, a Principal and a half-time Vice-Principal.

The educators continue to learn as part of our professional learning community in the school, and pursue varied learning opportunities outside of the school

Our Community

Katimavik E.S. is located in the residential community of Kanata, which has a population of approximately 90,000. The community is family oriented with many parks, playgrounds, and much green space. Many of our students live within walking distance of the school but some of our students are bused.

Katimavik Elementary School is in close partnership with our two community schools:

In our neighbourhood, students will begin their education at Castlefrank Elementary School from Kindergarten to Grade 3. Students who will continue in the English program or Early French Immersion program will attend our school, Katimavik Elementary School, from Grade 4 to Grade 8. Students will then attend their community High School, Earl of March Secondary School, for Grades 9-12.

Mission Statement

At Katimavik E.S. we believe in the OCDSB mission statement: Educating for Success: Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship.

Facilities and Resources

Katimavik is comprised of three indoor sections - a junior section, a central section, and an intermediate section. The school features a gymnasium with a stage, an instrumental music room, a large library/learning commons and a literacy room to serve both students’ and teachers’ needs. Our school yard is large and has grassy knolls, trees, painted pavement games, a play structure and is adjacent to the City of Ottawa parkland and pathways, as well as a City of Ottawa outdoor swimming pool, baseball diamond and basketball court.

Programs and Services

Academic Programs

We currently have a diverse group of learners; 330 students in grades 4-8 in a variety of programs both in French and English.

At Katimavik we follow a balanced day schedule in order to maximize instructional time and respect the body’s and brain’s need for regular recreation and nutrition.
We offer the following programs:

  • English Program in Grade 4 to 8
  • Early French Immersion in Grade 4 to 8
  • 3 Special Education Programs:
    Junior General Learning Program
    Junior LD Specialized Intervention Program
    Intermediate LD Specialized Intervention Program
Special Education and ESL Programs

The Learning Support Teacher (LST) is responsible for:

  • identifying pupils’ needs through the use of a wide range of diagnostic tools;
  • consulting and supporting classroom teachers in the delivery of differentiated programs for identified students;
  • monitoring the progress of identified students

The Learning Resource Teacher (LRT) works directly with students in their classrooms, based on student need, using the integrated model of delivery in the classroom and in small group settings as appropriate. This teacher works directly with students from Grades 4 – 8, collaborating with their teachers to develop programs.

We have an ESL (English as Second Language) teacher to help us better serve the English Language Learners in our school.

We are also supported by a school board Psychologist a Social Worker and a Speech and Language Pathologist, all of whom are at the school for a half day each week. We can request Occupational Therapists as needed. 

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