Safe Schools

Bully Prevention

At Katimavik Elementary School, we wish to stop bullying before it starts. Students are encouraged to learn how to respond when they are faced with a situation where someone is saying or doing something that is unsafe or harmful to them or others and how to stay safe so that the chance of bullying happening is reduced. We also talk to the students how important it is to not be a bystander and to report to an adult immediately when an incident occurs, especially the first time it occurs. It is also important for students to report to adults if it is a recurring behaviour (e.g., this is the second/third time the person has done this). Reports from students and parents about any incidents will support us in achieving a safe learning environment for our students. 

Bullying is a form of aggression which is typically repeated over time, intended to physically, emotionally or socially harm an individual and in which there is a real or perceived imbalance of power (social, physical, financial, intellectual power) involved.

We are working to build a positive, respectful, inclusive, tolerant environment at Katimavik which will result in stopping bullying before it even begins. We seek to develop empathy and foster inclusion, which will help to reduce the incidence of bullying.

How to Raise Resilient Children

How can we as parents, guardians, or teachers help?

We continue to work with our students in developing their ability to stand up to bullies and develop their resilience when faced with adversities.

One of the most difficult things a parent, guardian or teacher has to endure is watching the children they love struggle with change, adversity and loss. We can’t protect them from the realities of life, we realize in these helpless moments, but what we can do is raise our children to be resilient in such realities.

What Makes a Child Resilient

In the extensive “A Guide to Promoting Resilience in Children” by Edith H. Grotberg, Ph.D. of The International Resilience Project, children draw on 3 “sources of resilience”:

What and whom they HAVE around them for structure, safety and support. This includes trustworthy relationships, structure in their home, positive role models, encouragement toward autonomy, and access to the necessities of their health, education, security and welfare.

Who they ARE as a person that makes them safe and secure in their world. This includes feeling loved and lovable, developing compassion and empathy, pride in oneself, self-responsibility, and a positive attitude.

What they CAN do to affect their own safety and security. This includes skills in communication, problem solving, impulse control, dealing responsibly with emotions, measuring the emotional “temperature” of themselves and others, and seeking help from the right people at the right times.

Another way Dr. Grotberg describes these qualities is as: Love, Inner Strength, and Interpersonal Skills.

In order for a child to be as resilient as possible to all circumstances, all three of these sources of resilience — love, inner strength, and interpersonal skills — must be developed to their fullest.

Children must have a support system on hand to go through their toughest (and brightest) experiences with them. Children must develop the qualities of being and self-awareness required for resilience (e.g., respect for others, self-responsibility, positive attitude, willingness to help). And children must be able and empowered to interact effectively with the world in which they live (e.g., talking about their problems, controlling their negative impulses, seeking help when needed).

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